ai express

ai express is a solution accelerator employing state-of-the-art techniques for retrieval-augmented generation to build customized applications using your knowledge base and large language models like ChatGPT and GPT-4, as well as deploying traditional ML applications in Azure Cloud.

You will also get monitoring with DataDog, a Mendix interface for updating your knowledge base, user access management (through the Azure directory), and much more.

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ai express is a solution accelerator that employs state-of-the-art techniques for retrieval-augmented generation. With ai express, you can build customized applications using your knowledge base and large language models like chatGPT and GPT-4.


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Absolutely! We offer coding packages with and without support for developers. You can create an unlimited number of bots and interact with GenAI experts through our ticketing system. With the ai express Python package, you can implement agent-based retrieval systems, one-shot classifiers, text summarizers, and more, all deployed on scalable endpoints ready to be used in MS Teams or any other custom frontend. Our software receives regular updates and is model-agnostic, meaning you can utilize not only GenAI (OpenAI, Bedrock, Llama) but also traditional machine learning models.