ai attack Products help you save time by automating repetitive tasks, streamlining processes, and providing quick access to relevant information, thereby increasing efficiency and productivity. Check out our products below.
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Scoring Engine

The Scoring engine provides automated scoring of data records  to support your data-driven decision making. The engine can process large volumes of data in real-time and replace manual and repetitive scoring tasks.

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Siemens KPI Forecast

Siemens KPI Forecast is an AI product based on the Siemens Data and AI Cloud to make predictions about future KPIs.

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Anomaly Detection

The anomaly detection product is a web-based application that provides a general anomaly detection procedure for quicker and more efficient detection of unusual patterns.

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ai express

ai express provides a fast and stable implementation that has already been used in over 20 use cases, some of which are productive and can be tested (e.g., SDC bot).

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Factual Chatbot

Check out our very own ai attack Factual chatbot in Teams.

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